Archan Nair as archanN is 26 years old. He was born and raised in India. He is a 26 years old artist and designer based in New Delhi, India who creates very inspiring pieces. He once a former in a fashion major and entrepreneur, and started to involved in fashion industry. In his 18 years old ,he was running a family business in apparel manufacturing and export which it is very young for him to do so. At that time, he never discover about he has a creative stint to begin with since his childhood days, so he never knows about his talent yet. But normal human cannot see the future, he eventually start to fall deeper in digital art and he start to dabble in digital art in 2006,When he is 24 years old. He takes many years for him to finally discover his talent and his interest in digital art which is very risk for him as well as he never learn about it to begin with because he is a fashion student after all. But it does not stop him as he finds his true calling .The fashion and digital is different even though it has to be drawing as a basic learning. So,it is a risk move from him to become a digital artist instead of fashion designer. Risk but brave person he is, he becomes an independent artist just a year later in 2007 as he was painting in 2006.
After year, he become a self developed visual artist, illustrator and art director, specializing in mixed media, illustration and digital art, a very huge success from him. He has a passion which people cannot think indifferently of him though he starts late .For someone who starts doing artwork in 2007,he has very high status and successful artist between digital artist in Asia. He is someone who being respected for that. Since he embarked on an exhilarating and inspirational journey, he is collaborating with various company and individuals around the world such as Canon, Nike, Tiger Beer, Sony, and more, but still such a big name to state. Archan has been featured in various publications including Computer Arts, Digital Arts, Advanced Photoshop, GQ, BAK, Vanity Fair, and has achieved recognition from music artist such as Kanye Waste. He also had done collaborations with celebrity artists like Chris Brown and Lindsay Lohan. Some may think that it is irrelevant, but to work with big names, it is very relevant and an opera door for a digital artist, especially the independent and self developed artist.
Proving it, Archan created a series of five visual for the ICC Cricket World Cup Nike Campaign in 2011, three years after his official debut in digital art. The visual artworks are printed on T-shirts, and available as a limited edition series in stores across Asia and selected country which means, it is worldwide. In 2012,Nike held an exhibitions and sent a love call for him, he eventually participate and create to massive artworks among other known artist and designers across the globe. Two years after that, in 2013 he is collaborating with Sony and creating a visual artwork on their flagship mobile device in Xperia Z Ultra .An exclusive film is made on the process and his story underneath the creation of the artwork is revealed. The visual is also printed as limited edition signed posters. At this rate, you can say at the ages of 27,Archan has already experienced a great deal of success
Talking about inspiration, anything and everything can give him an inspiration to create a great piece of art. His surrounding or when he notices something as he studies more into it ,he can create something out of it. But mostly, he is inspired by emotions and feeling, a deep inside, moments in his life or experiences he gets through, it will leaves impact for him and he eventually will come out with an idea after that. Besides, music has been a motivating influence for him, his own culture(which we can see that is it the main influence for him, because he create so many colorful artworks)and the desire to contribute and share with the world. He has sense which everything can motivate and gives inspiration for him which it led him to create such an awesome artwork. Maybe his background, his experience as a fashion major student and a business at the young age also the one which contribute the most as his inspiration. It is because, he starts to work at young age, when he is 18 years old, you can say that he has so much experience compare to other even though it is different field.
Furthermore, he is a very detail person and we can see it through his creative process. He is does not messing with everything at once but he takes step by step for it. The process will be different in each of his works which we can say that he does not need one creative process in making all of his artworks. But, he will start with the conceptualization of a theme, idea or maybe inspiration first. Then, he will sketch and draw the entire idea on a sketchbook and getting his concept laid down clear, so that it will not confusing him one day. After that, he will visualize the final feel and effect which he needs to give for that particular artwork and accordingly go about using the various tools in Photoshop. Sometimes, he uses illustrator for vector shapes and illustrations fuse them with Photoshop. But the entire creation is done completely in Photoshop. It needs time for that, and you can say that he has patience for it, everything piece is done through step by step. This is the process for him to create awesome artworks. It is attracting when he uses different method for each creation, it makes people wonders about his other ability even though he states one of his methods, and still it is not enough. It makes me think, should I dig in deeper to know his secret? He does not spill everything for it though. But I want to point out, one of his digital piece called as "Rainscape Rhythm" was selected as one of the Top 10 Best Submission from Readers in 2014 on one popular website, a very aye-catching work on computer created by him.
For him, it is sweet sailing and challenging to make a living as an artist. It has been a mixture out of it. It is very important for him to have challenge moments, which it will lead a sweet moment shortly or longer after that. He loves learning, it can be seen as he transfer from a fashion industry towards the digital art and he said that every moments he has experience, all of it is breathing, living and even more spectacular. Experience will make him grow, not only as an artist but a normal person as well, for better.
As a conclusion, Archan is very hardworking and brave person, and it leads a success for him. At his age, I'm sure he makes much money out of it though i can sense that he has a rich family as his background but he does not use his parents influence to grab job for him. For me he is gifted instead of talented, as a person who start doing this job later than other digital artist; he can get though it and eventually did not fall apart between the early runners in this industry. To sum it up, he also producers or creates eye-catching, awesome artworks to display. From now on his passion will be my idol.
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