Sunday 11 September 2016


We've been given a task in a group to create a TV Commercial Ad. We choose Ribena brand to do our TVC. Our concept for this TVC is stop motion.
Team members:
Patricia Chandra
Roshazleeza Abdul Hadi
Umi Kalthom Md Noh

Why we choose Ribena?

Below are the process of making it.We start by sketching out our storyboard.

Then, we sketch out the Ribena berries and draw it in Illustrator

Digital Character.

After that, we played on the character's expression.

Since we're doing stop motion, we plan on printing the characters on art card paper and sticking skewers behind the characters. Beside that, we also drew slides in Illustrator and print it.

Here is the most challenging part. Shooting a stop motion based ad was super challenging as we have zero knowledge about this. But we manage to shoot stop motion with the help of our teammates and guidance from lecturer. Below is the process of making of it.

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