Monday 19 September 2016

Final project campaign

Global warming is a serious issue which captured the world's eyes but many have not taken it seriously even though social media and even the government itself had launched many awareness campaign. Global warming as we known had cause a lot of damaged, for example, landslide, flood, and etc. We believed it's us who cause those natural disasters. The latest of all is El Nino which hit us so bad for a very long time. The land was so dry until the farmers can't plant anything and so the damp, the water we consume everyday had been decreased bit by bit. Therefore, we choose this campaign by making some poster, mug, notebook, t-shirt, paper bag and many more. By creating this such design, we hope we can make the citizen more aware of the problem we had here. We couldn't bare a day thinking about the animals that lost their home because of our greedy act, excessive logging and many more. Stop this malicious act and be more responsible. Go green

                                                            our logo
This is the logo for our campaign which is Global Warming. There is a circle around the words to represent the globe. We use the combination of yellow, orange and red to give a feeling of heat to convey the message that the world is in critical condition. On the word ‘Warming’ we have overlay a letter N to read as Global Warning.

Our poster

Other products

TASK 2: Re-branding packaging

For this task i have to re-branding a IKS product. Miow' is a chips brand which is a malay traditional chips which is kerepek sambal ubi. I choose 'miow' because the logo and the packaging are not suitable for this brands.

                                                             Old packaging logo


Die cut 

Then draw in Adobe Illustration

My Character
Then i create this texture 

My packaging design

Promotional poster & Livery

Final packaging

Packaging Exhibition

TASK 1: :Cd Cover

For this task we have to make cd cover.I choose RED by Taylor Swift

                                                                       Die cut

This is the research


Saturday 17 September 2016


This is my Sakae Sushi kiosk.First i sketch the layout then I design it in Adobe Illustration after finished design i export the design into Adobe Flash to create some effect and animation to my kiosk.

                            design in adobe illustration

Main page

Home page

Menu Categories page with popular product,sushi moriawase
and salada

Popular product page

Sushi moriawase page 

Salada page

menu detail

Promotion page

Contact us page

                                Effect and animation in adobe flash

when you click on 'welcome',the next page will appear 
and the logo is moving to the left and right.

when you click all of these button,the next page will appear.
The 'back' button bring to the previous page and when you
click the menu button it bring you to menu categories  page

click these button to the go to menu selection page

when click these button and the menu detail will appear 

click the menu and the detail will pop up.

If you click order now this page will appear

Click promo button to go to promo page

click the next and previous button to see next
poster of the promotion.

Click the 'contact us' button at previous page,

it will bring you to this page same with the icon button

Click the 'info' button at previous page,
it will bring you to this page.