Tuesday 24 June 2014



  • The element and principal of design are the building blocks used to creaate a work of art.
  • The element of design can be used for painting,drawing,design and more.

  1. The element of design.There are 7 element of design:

  • Line 
  • Shape
  • direction
  • size
  • texture
  • colour
  • value


  •    The principal of design can be thought of as what we do to the element of design
  •    principal applied to the elements of design tahat bring them together into one design.

  The principal of design.There are 7 principal of design  

  • Balance is a psychological sense of equilibrium
  • as a design principal,balance places the parts of a visual in a aesthetically pleasing arrangement.
  • A large shape close to the center can be balanced by a small shape close to the edge
  • Gradation of size and direction produce linear perspective. Gradation of of colour from warm to cool and tone from dark to light produce aerial perspective


  • Repetition means using an element several times.
  • Repetition strengthens a design by tying together individual element.



  • Planning consistent and similar design is an imporant as[ect of a designers work to make their focal point visible.
  • To much similarity is boring but without similarity important elements will not exist.


  • Harmony in painting is the visual satisfying effect of combining similar,related element.
  • Bring together a composition with similar units.


  • Dominance gives a painting interest, counteracting confusion and monotony. Dominance can be applied to one or more of the elements to give emphasis.

Occurs when all of the elements of piece combine to make a balanced,homoninious,complete whole.
Unity is another of those hard to describe art terms but when it present your eye and brain are pleased to see it.

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